Friday, May 25, 2007

It is I - A!

Hello to all of you darlings out in cyberspace! It is the weekend of Dr. Crazy & A... So far we have looked at various pics of Crazy and some of A noting the horrific lipstick and dress style of the mid to late 90's.

Perhaps you may wonder how Dr. Crazy and A. became BFF's. Well I'm not totally sure only to say I think we were brought together by early 20'sself-loathing and mutual desperation. Desperation in the sense that Dr. Crazy had broken up with FL and A was in an equally "transitional" place. Needless to say we continued the friendship through a love of phone talking, driving around, smoking, going to the beach etc. Our social endeavors were somewhat stinted as we were not yet 21 (and we were nerds).

Dr. Crazy and A attended different educational institutions so our time was best spent over many holiday breaks and summer vacations (one in particular that we went out EVERY night except 2). Also I should note that summer will live in infamy as the tannest summer alive. So that really is the beginning of our BFFship. Not surprisingly we still enjoy many of these same activities 12 years later. Many of which we will participating in this weekend!

After my arrival I would also like to note that we received a phone message from the Mother of Dr. Crazy - who I truly adore. Mother of Crazy has also endured many days, nights, and holidays with A. Also the step-dad of Crazy is close friends with A's family. The whole thing is truly incestuous but whatev... Ok I digress. Back to message from Mother that says "I'm just calling to bug the shit out of you, but I know that A is there so I will expect to hear from you on Monday." And there are others out there that will be hearing telephonically from Crazy and A. You know who you are.... even if you don't read this blog. Ok that's all I got for now. More later from Vagina Power Weekend 2007.


Dr. Medusa said...

Hi A and Crazy. Stand in vagina power and manifest your destiny!

Anonymous said...

hehehe vagina power weekend.

Dr. Virago said...

Dr. Crazy and A --

OK, I have some serious BFF envy. I want an A! (God, I sound like my students. Different kind of A. I want a BFF like A.)

Dr. Crazy said...

Helloooo! Blog peeps! We just returned from a fabulous dinner out with BFF, and now BFF and A. and I are hanging. Be sure to check out the links I added related to the Vagina Power. They are awesome :)

And Dr. V.: Everybody needs a friend like A! Perhaps we can do a kind of A. exchange program.... I will consult with her....

Fifi Bluestocking said...

Wow! Those links are truly awesome. Loving that crazy Vagina Power lady and loving her crazy mum too! Will ensure I work a little VP into my weekend.