Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Writing Is Enough to Drive a Person to Drink

Today's been very productive. I did end up going back to sleep after the Man-Kitty's wake-up call, but I made really good progress on the intro chapter, and I even went and worked out. (Note to other people who've fallen off the fitness bandwagon: all is not lost if you haven't worked out in two months - apparently, you don't immediately become out of shape and unable to exercise, as I had feared may be my situation when I entered the gym today.) So after the gym I came home and worked on the manuscript some more, and while I still have much on the List of Things to Accomplish this morning, I'm thinking that a trip to the wine store for some delicious wine might be in order. The problem is, this is probably a bad decision, as how productive am I really going to be if I'm trying to be productive while drinking wine? But on the other hand, sometimes a glass of wine is a nice reward for a hard day's work. On the other hand, I kind of feel like I want to take a nap. What would be fabulous would be to take a nap, drink some wine, and blow off all my work. It occurs to me however that my spring break is half over and that this is not a solid plan of action. Hmmm. Decisions, decisions.


Dr. Medusa said...

Drink! Drink! [She says as she sips a glass of wine and writes her conference paper.]

helenesch said...

At least you're getting writing done (that's great--really!). I've gotten very little of my own work done over break, and I have no late-night-phone conversation excuse (I wish I did, though--that sounds exciting). It is break, after all, and I think wine sounds good...