Thursday, September 04, 2008

Week 2 = Done

That's just crazy-talk I realize, but yes, it's true, I am 1/8 of the way through my semester. Am so tired I could collapse on the spot. I certainly hope that I get into the groove sooner rather than later, because I can't keep feeling so wiped out. Totally not possible. So I must go lie down with some certain felines who would like attention. They feel that my exhaustion is actually positive, as it means they get more cuddly nap-time with me. It also makes them more confident that I am in fact just a very large cat without very much fur, when I sleep as much as they do. When I don't, they begin to have suspicions about me. How do I know? Well, because they look at me suspiciously, obviously.

God, I'm too tired to be blogging. More tomorrow, or some other time when I feel like a person again.


gwoertendyke said...

dr. c: do you have any idea how to deal with a hijacked blog?

if so, write to me! i'm so

Estrella said...

Hi from an occasional lurker -

Awhile back, you'd recommended Patricia Wrede's Enchanted Forest Chronicles. When I was in the bookstore a few weeks ago, I thought of it and decided to buy it. What a delightful read! Thanks for putting the word out on your blog!

helenesch said...

But do I get to count this week as a week if I only taught for one day? (Yay for M/W teaching!--always one day shorter than Tu/Th, due to MLK and Labor day). Yes, a two-day per week schedule is something I shouldn't ever complain about...

In any case, thanks for the perspective. I like thinking I'm 1/8th done even though I've only got 3 actual classes out of the way!

gwinne said...

Ooh...I much prefer thinking the semester 1/8 done than thinking I have 14 weeks left to go! Thanks!

Dr. Crazy said...

Happy to help, Gwinne! Actually, that made me feel pretty happy, too :)

Dr. Crazy said...

Estrella: I actually was recommended that series by another reader of the blog (K8 I think), but isn't it awesome?!?!

Dr. Crazy said...

Helenesch: It totally counts :) The weeks are the same, no matter how many classes have met :)