Saw this over at Maggie May's, and thought that since I'm preoccupied with a million and one things that some De-Lurking Fun would keep my readers busy. Say hello! And also, if you're not on the blogroll and you'd like to be added, let me know that, too! And if you don't want to speak up (because you're shy, what have you) then of course this is your prerogative. I don't mean to be a big bully :)
Hi! I've been a frequently reader for the past year or so. I am also located in the Midwest. I am a history graduate student focusing on the antebellum period of American history.
I'm guilty of lurking. I'm at
Oh, what the hey - I'm a grad student in media studies with a frequently un-updated blog that I have no idea what to do with, half a dissertation proposal, and a sugar high. But at least I'm not lurking now.
I think I have commented before so I am not a total lurker. Or else I made that up. I'm an anthropology PhD grad student, writing my dissertation. Someday I want to make it to Crazy Medusa's happy hour.
Prof of history lurker here. Newbie admirer of Dr C.
Finished. What a concept. How many new projects on your list for next one up?
Alright -- I'm a English professor lurker. This is my favorite blog because there are so many times when I think, "yes, that's exactly how it is! I know exactly what Dr. Crazy is talking about!" In addition, witty repartee and pictures of kitties!
I'm here (I think I commented a really long time ago, but I'm mostly a lurker).
I'm not a lurker, I'm a lovely little sausage.
Hello! I'm mostly a lurker but am grateful for the chance to delurk and say hi. I'm a new English prof and a big fan of Dr C for her insightful posts on many matters that I can relate to. Also very keen to make it to the Crazy Medusa Lounge one day.
i'm not a lurker. you can't get rid of me.
De-lurking. Darn cheap Klingon cloaking device.
semi-lurker...and recent academy escapee. I got tired of adjuncting for pennies.
And yet I still miss it sometimes...
Ah, I've posted to you once. Not sure what that makes me but here you go.
Hi! I'm another new prof lurker - theater (specifically dramaturgy). I'm also a mom/caretaker/humble servant to a particularly crazy girl-kitty.
Not de-lurking - I'm on the list, but avoiding my dissertation. Plus, I just adore the man-kitty. He reminds me of one our family had when I was kid. It had the unfortunate name of squeaky orange tinkertoy (I wanted to call it squeaky based on its voice, the younger brother wanted to call it orangy, and I think my sister wanted to name it tinkertoy.) Once I finish the dissertation, I have given myself permission to by kitties (2-3)!
Hi! I'm a former prof who misses teaching (which is why I'm a lurker...I'm still in academics, just not in the classroom any more). I'm living vicariously through other educator's blogs. Yep...I'm shameless!
you know that i lurk!
Hello lurkers! (And also to sometime commenting types and to those who just wanted to say hello!)
You know that I really appreciate all of you reading my random musings in this here space, so thanks for introducing yourselves!
Hi - I've been a longtime lurker and love your blog. I teach ESL to adult students and I've recently gone back to school to get a degree in economics.
I have commented now and again in the past, but I'll say hi anyway, because I always enjoy your posts.
And also (I'm so embarrassed to write this, but you asked), I would be *thrilled* to join the esteemed ranks of Dr. Crazy's blogroll: Oh, and congratulations on finishing the book!
Hi. I've been lurking for a while. I'm a Rhet/Comp grad student who fled the midwest for the southeast. Thanks for all the great posts. You always get me thinking about this profession and my place in it.
I've been a lurker for a long time-- long enough to say that I remember the last time you posted one of these delurking messages.
I'm a Composition ABD working on the dissertation right now. I'd love to be on the blogroll-- some sort of sign of having "arrived," right?
Hi there. I've commented once or twice before, but I'm usually a lurker.
I'm a graduate student in music. Thoughts of pursuing a career in higher ed are not on my 5 or 10-year plan ... but perhaps beyond that?
Anyway, I do enjoy your blog. Thanks for writing!
Haven't been around for a while, so this is a good time to say "hi".
Hi...generally lurking...sometimes commenting...but Hi anyways
I mostly lurk ....
Made a comment or two awhile back... I'm a frequent reader, though, and I have a sneaking suspicion that we're in similar fields (and share compulsive pet obsessions as well).
Glad I caught the de-lurking day. I am a semi-lurker. Enjoy reading your posts a great deal!
Does reading and not commenting and then talking to you on your phone about what you post count as lurking? We need a name for that.
i'm lurking a day late. but i've been lurking for about 9 months. i love your blog.
I can't remember if I've ever commented, so I might as well delurkw. I love your blog and hope that the fabulous Man-Kitty feels up to making another appearance in the not-too-distant future.
I used to comment, but haven't much for a while. Hi!
I've been reading for a while now, so here I delurk...
I'm de-lurking a day late (how did I miss that post?!) from Wisconsin. Currently a PhD student in Theatre History. Thanks for the great blog!
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