But two things before I get to the grading that I should have done last night.
1. At approximately 7:40 this morning, my phone rings. It is my mother. Is something wrong? Why is she calling me before work?
Crazy's Mom: "Crazy, turn on Katie Couric! The sexy priest is on! Ok, I've got to go. But turn it on! You've got to see him!"
And then she hung up on me.
I suppose I should mention that during my mom's and my chat on Saturday that she had a list of discussion items from the Today! show, including Ann Curry's haircut (horrible) as well as "this sexy priest!" who is unbelievably good-looking and smart, which makes my mom both suspicious and intrigued. "Where did they find him anyway?," she wondered. "Do you think he's really a priest or just somebody the Vatican found to improve the Church's image?"
The thing is, the sexy priest is, really, quite sexy. I'm not sure how I feel about any of this.
2. Dr. Crazy has a d-a-t-e. Not a coffee date. Not a lunch date. A dinner date. Because the Chemist and I have decided to break the dating rules. And it's on Wednesday, because when I suggested Thursday (just to suggest something) the Chemist felt that was too long to wait. I picked the restaurant, so even if it's horrible I know I'll like the food, which is a good thing. Also, it means that I know what to wear, I won't get lost on the way there, etc. Of course, now I need to figure out what I'm going to wear. I also may need to try to get a hair appointment. I also may need to self-medicate in some fashion so that I'm not a complete freak by Wednesday.
13 years ago
Good luck on the date!
And I know how you feel about the sexy priest. I know a pretty sexy priest myself (he's also an academic, which is why I know him)--runs three miles a day, works out, had girlfriends in college, the whole bit. And it is indeed rather. . . disturbing.
Excellent news! You'll probably drive yourself 'round the bend before dinner tomorrow, with or without self-medication, but surely that's the bloody point of it all!
Yes, all of the language skills do add to the sexiness of the sexy priest. Totally.
See, but this is why my mom and I think that there is some sort of conspiracy involved here. I mean, in the 21st century, how does a guy like that end up in the priesthood? And where has he been all our lives that they're just trotting him out now?
Thanks for all of the well-wishes on the date. Feeling very.... well.... crazy related to the whole thing. And totally not getting any work done. I'm so screwed.
I met a couple of sexy priests growing up, but they all ended up leaving the priesthood. Hmmm...
Hope your date is great! (It's a poem).
Wow, what a Father What-a-Waste! He *is* hot!
Good luck on your date! Woo-hoo!
Dr. V and all: He's even hotter when you see him standing in front of the Vatican in his collar and everything in a full-length view. It's all very Thorn Birds :)
Thanks for all of the good luck wishes on the date. I'm excited and he's excited. I just hope that all of the excitement doesn't produce a horrible let-down. At least tomorrow isn't that far away, ultimately.
Are you sure that you cant see him tonight because i'm not sure if I can wait until tomorrow....
heehee! I'm not sure HE can wait until tomorrow either, but all of us will have to wait until tomorrow because between now and then I need to:
a) Go and get my hair trimmed (made the appt. five minutes ago)
b) Try on all of my clothes to figure out what I will wear.
c) Perhaps go shopping if all clothes seem ugly.
d) Beauty rituals.
By the way, AAYOR, you need to post some pictures of Bug. I miss seeing him :)
Hmmm... Well, I think that probably it's during the beauty-ritual-trying-on-clothes-shopping phase that one thinks about what one might discuss. I don't think I've never had a formal agenda, but yes, I do think about what I might talk about, I guess.
But I usually just end up rambling about other stuff, ultimately. All of the Grand Plans fly out of the window when I'm actually on a date.
Hope your date goes well! And thanks for the link to the sexy priest... I guess after watching the priest on the Sopranos flirt with Carmela (way back in an early season), sexy priests don't completely surprise me.
I'm not entirely surprised by the sexy priest, though I am disconcerted by a) my mom's reaction to him and b) by my own lustful feelings for the sexy priest. Oh, and then there's the whole conspiracy theory aspect of this - I mean, where has this guy been hiding all our lives?
I'll say this, though: that's one way to bring people back to the church :)
The sexy priest and the languages thing got me thinking-- maybe there's something to the Seinfeld theory-- you know, where George had to go without sex for a few weeks and became an intellectual for a brief time? Anyway, maybe they also get sexier, too... would explain why they weren't showing him off sooner...
Good luck with the date. You must post immediately upon return!
OK, help me out, Dr. C. What "dating rules" are you breaking? Isn't the point of the whole on-line matchmaking thing to, you know, get a date?
Ah, the dating rules. Well, yes, the point is to go on dates, but there is also this weird pretense that one is not actually looking to go on dates but that one is looking to "get to know new people" and/or "looking for a relationship." Combine these two things with people's paranoia about weirdos on the internet, and the dating rules for online dating generally include beginning with a coffee or lunch date, moving on to some kind of activity-date, and only when each person is more sure of the other to do something crazy like dinner. It's all very complicated indeed :)
(This, however, is not unlike dating in the non-online world, as first dates in my experience - when I've not already made out with the person - do tend to start as requests to meet for coffee or to meet for a drink, as they are low-time and low-cash commitments and you can easily get away if it's horrible. A dinner date is much riskier.)
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