The Catholic revealed that he loves Led Zeppelin and somehow that made me decide that I should suggest that he call me. I certainly hope that I don't regret this brazen, brazen (and impulsive) decision. But, dude, we've been emailing for a week.
Incidentally, I may freak out if he does call and not answer the phone. I'm really not very suave with the dating stuff, you know?
Edited to add:
Well, he did not call me last evening, but today he has raised me my "you should call me" with a "we should get together for a drink." Interesting, indeed. Oh, and I'm entirely freaked out. A post will be forthcoming later in the week about all of the reasons why, which have to do mainly with the fact that most of my "dating" experience has really fallen under the headings of "hooking up" or "hanging out," which don't really include actually meeting somebody you don't know for a date but rather the practice of having sex with somebody you sort of know and then all of a sudden you're a couple. In other words, this whole thing is a whole new world for me. I mean, jeez, I haven't had a first date since 1999, and that first date happened with somebody with whom I was already pretty much involved. It was like a retroactive first date. At any rate, I am horrified by all of these things, but my horoscope today is giving me strength:
"Here is your horoscopefor Wednesday, February 22:
It's time to follow your heart. Be open and ready to go wherever it leads you. The stars say that you've been stuck in this current situation for far too long. Even if it's a little scary, it's time to move. "
13 years ago
go, girl. I'm all in favor of brazen and impulsive, and probably rash yet rewarding decisions....
My husband taught me to appreciate Led Zep when we were dating. Now I am a fan.
Good luck!
Hmmm...does he know half the blogosphere is watching? Just a little pressure on the poor bloke...Good luck to both of you! And keep us posted.
No, he does NOT know that half of the blogosphere is watching, and if this were to go anywhere I would probably put the kibosh on posts about him/this. However, as he did not call last night, I still feel completely fine posting about him.
Is there such a taboo about making the first move? Not really, I suppose. I think this is more about me a) being a chicken, b) having internalized messages about not giving my phone number to strangers from the internet (although I've given my phone number to any number of weirdos whom I've known less well than I know this dude, so who knows). At any rate, I feel much more comfortable in these sorts of things being reactive rather than proactive. You might not realize it, but Dr. Crazy can be shy. No, really!
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