I thought you all would like to know about how things are going with the experiment in internet dating. I will organize this post in order of suitors:
Suitor #1 - the Catholic who has a career in cheese. We've been emailing back and forth. I think he wants to ask to meet. I don't think this will happen this weekend, though, because I'm busy. And because he needs to for real ask and not just do the "so, are you up to anything interesting this weekend?" thing because what's a girl supposed to do with that? At any rate, he gives good email and he called me "smarty-pants." This made me smile. I totally like a boy who teases. Oh, I suppose he's not a boy. He's 32. How old I'm getting. My parents got divorced when they were 32.
Suitor #2 - the Lame Chiropractor. I kind of hate him. But whatever. He redeemed himself a little bit earlier in the week, but now I think I may put him on hold or close him off or whatever if I don't hear from him soon. Totally on the fence with him.
Suitor #3 - the Businessman. He seems ok, but I still think that he might not be for me. Something about the vast array of fitness-related questions he's asked me. Though I did show him my picture, and he didn't reject me at seeing it. So who knows.
Suitor #4 - the Guy Who Wants Me to Send Him Flowers. Yeah, I kind of hate him, too, but I need to see his answers to his must-haves and can't-stands before I give him the ax. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt because he's got his PhD.
Suitor #5 - the Pilot. Still no response to my essay questions. Whatever.
So yes, it's all going along. And I do like the Catholic. We'll see how things progress over the coming days and weeks. But now, I need to run errands. I'm going to a party tonight and I've got to get my costume together. (Yes, it's a costume party. Yes, I'm going as Bertha Mason from Jane Eyre. It will be awesome.)
13 years ago
Ooh, what's your Bertha Mason costume going to be? Fabulous idea!
Love the costume. That's too cool. (Yes, I sound like I'm 12.)
It's my first time reading, but your "I kind of hate him" phrase will ensure that I return. I can't find words to describe how much that amused me. Good luck with the dates!
I'm loving the boy-crazy posts. I'm so intrigued by this "guided communication" thing.
I love the idea of you dressing as Bertha Mason. Perhaps you should take a photo of that to use for internet dating purposes ....
Tragically, the Bertha Mason costume fell through, due to the fact that it depended on being able to borrow a black wig, which ended up being inaccessible for the person who owns it. (She moved recently, and so it was buried in a box.) At any rate, since I already had the nightgown and since my hair was pretty much the right style, I went instead with Iris Murdoch during her battle with Alzheimers. Hilariously, another attendee at the party had almost come as that, which I never would have anticipated. I realized only too late that the best costume would have been to attend the party as Ennis from Brokeback mountain, but I don't have a cowboy hat. How is it possible that I don't have a cowboy hat? Must get on that.
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