In this picture, I was actually attempting to capture the sweet little spot on his back left paw... like a little kitty birthmark! Hee! But as you see, Mr. Stripey will not appease the paparazzi, either with a clear picture of his face or with a clear picture of his sweet little kitty birthmark. But he is BEAUTIFUL and WEE! And I love the buff/brown colors that are emerging in his fur (those were not there in his even wee-er kittenhood) as it makes him match better with the Man-Kitty, which is weirdly important to me. And don't you love how his front paws are only tipped in white while his hind are like little kitten boots? (Note: this kitten shall not be named "Boots.") Barring any unforeseen glitches (like if he somehow doesn't weigh two pounds, for he is teeny weeny - the runt of his litter), I shall have him in the House of Crazy on Tuesday! Tuesday!
Now, let me just say that the other kitties were quite winning in their way. Now, one kitty, let's call him "Joe" is already spoken for, so he was out of the kitten sweepstakes already. There were two others, who I will call Peg-Leg Six-Toe and Needy McNeederson. What really swung things in Mr. Stripey's favor is a) he is so sweet and frisky and handsome and b) he was the most independent of the bunch. Not unsociable, just he clearly is cool with playing on his own and can make his own fun. Now, it's true, there was a bit of a kitten war between Joe (I think, though it could have been Needy McNeederson, for they are identical to the untrained eye) and Mr. Stripey, but Joe totally started it, and Mr. Stripey wrestled with aplomb when provoked. But he wasn't a fight-picker, and he wasn't interested in competing with the other kitties to chase the kitty teaser, and would just go off on his own and frolic and scamper and leap and scratch on the various scratchable implements if the others crowded him. The others were all much more on top of one another (and on top of me). That said, perhaps this is because Mr. Stripey is the lone outsider in his litter, being the only one who isn't black? 'Tis hard to know how things work in the world of kittens.
Now, let me tell you about Peg-Leg Six-Toe. First, there is absolutely nothing more hilarious than watching a kitten whose back leg is in a full cast*** run around and leap and play like a freak. He's totally unstoppable. And manic. And a nutball. He's great, but to be honest, he's just too crazy for Crazy! And I think the Man-Kitty would positively hate him and his nutso ways. I feel as if his future owner (whomever he or she may be) will love him with a love that is pure and true, but also will have a spray bottle in every room of the house for approximately the first six years of his life, and even that won't do a thing in the world to slow him down. As for Needy McNeederson... well, he's just so fucking NEEDY. And that might hamper Mr. Man-Kitty's need to be Top Cat in the House of Crazy.
No, I do think that Mr. Stripey is the perfect fit for me and for the Man-Kitty. Affectionate, but his own cat. Oh! And his paws! His little pitty-pats of his paws! When I get him I shall photograph them, but suffice it to say that they are pink but they have little black spots, too! No, they do not have the tufty pieces of fur that the Man-Kitty has and that make his pink little paws so delectable, but I feel that the spots compensate for that. And his face! His face that he refused to let me photograph! He's like this wise little old man of a kitty-cat!
True naming of Mr. Stripey has yet to take place, as I do feel we need to spend some time with one another before making such a vital decision. He only has a pseudonym because, well, it was clearly the only thing that he could be called even upon first meeting him, and, in addition, There is something about "The Adventures of Man-Kitty and Mr. Stripey" that has an excellent ring to it and that will allow for all sorts of blogging fun.
And yes, this blog will be unbearable for approximately a full two weeks from when I bring him home (at minimum) and really will become a cat blog more than anything else. If you can't hang with that (ahem, I'm thinking of one person in particular with this caution) then, well, I do believe that Man-Kitty and Mr. Stripey will both, officiously and without a moment's hesitation, bid you Good Day. Actually, I think Mr. Stripey might even get all John Adams (ala the HBO version of John Adams) and say (in a slightly squeaky voice, I feel, but with a terribly affronted tone) "I bid you Good Day, SIR. Good. Day."
***I'm not sure if I mentioned this on the blog, but I think I didn't. Peg-Leg-Six-Toe managed to break his leg doing a swan dive from a kitty condo. Actually, that's not really true, probably - I heard the real story tonight from the Kitten Dealer - but nevertheless, it's just not natural for a cat to break his leg. And it's wrong to laugh at Peg-Leg's misfortune, but seriously, he really is clearly unstoppable, even with a cast that reaches from hip to paw.
Edited to Add: I forgot to update about Biological Brother of Man-Kitty! Well. First, let me just say, the resemblance in their faces is uncanny. Really, their whole selves, but Biological Brother Kitty (BBK) is larger (to be kind, really I think he's just fatter, but that's not very nice to say and could harm a kitten's self-esteem to characterize his... size ... in such a fashion) and also, weirdly, hairier. In particular, he's got a really hairy butt and hind legs. I have to say, I think that the Man-Kitty is tops if it were a competition between the two, even if his paws aren't white. Also, from what I gather, BBK doesn't have the charming personality of the Man-Kitty. Not that he's not somewhat charming, but he's not as playful, and really, he's a bit stand-offish, I felt. Of course, my Man-Kitty is a whore (though a whore who does turn on unsuspecting prey when he decides they are no longer wanted, which does make some people think he's not charming, although those people would be totally wrong). At any rate, I totally got the right cat out of that litter for me, though I am happy that I keep in touch with his family of birth (or, well, his foster-mama and his biological brother). It just seems right.
Oh, and another awesome thing, unrelated to cats, actually. I think that my Kitten Dealer is, after hanging out with her for like 4 hours, an actual new friend! You'd think this would have happened 3 years ago when she became my Kitten Dealer, but alas, I actually only corresponded with her via email re: him and then only met her husband when I picked the Man-Kitty up. (Aside: the Man-Kitty was so small! I could pick him up with one hand! And so frightened to be going out into the world! Oh! I had forgotten the babyhood of the Man-Kitty! I bet you have forgotten it, too. Perhaps tomorrow and/or the next day I shall bust out some pics of the Man-Kitty so that we all can remember when, and give him his moment in the sun before the incredibly cute and wee Mr. Stripey makes his appearance on the scene.)
"there is absolutely nothing more hilarious than watching a kitten whose back leg is in a full cast"
- you're an evil cow! :)
So so cute!! :) :)
Awwww! Kittens! Kittypics! Keep em coming, I love them!
Now I want some wee bitty kitties for my own. I could totally fit more cats in the apartment, right?
Adorable! Mr. Stripey is a fine little kitten. I look forward to seeing much more of him.
Aww! Can't wait to see/hear more.
(And really, they're an addiction, aren't they? I've only had my cat for 10 mos., and I'm already thinking about whether he needs a friend/I'd have space for another.)
Awwww, he's adorable!
You're making me want to get a kitten, damn you.
Stripey is teh cutest!
too too too cute!
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