Friday, April 28, 2006

Professor of the Year?!?!?!

Two years ago, students decided to take our inactive chapter of Sigma Tau Delta (the English honorary fraternity) and to make it active again. Last year, for the first time, they had an end-of-year reception for graduating seniors. It was really a nice event, and not particularly formal. Basically a time to celebrate what students are doing after graduation and for faculty, students, and parents to mingle and eat delicious snacks (all brought in my faculty and students). Also, last year, the students decided to give an award to the "professor of the year," which is very nice, especially because our university doesn't really have any awards that come from students. So anyway, last year one of my colleagues got the award, and I thought what a nice award it was and the thought crossed my mind that this would be an award that would really mean something to me.

Now, my colleague Dr. Nice-Professor is very involved with all of these student-oriented service sorts of things, and we've worked together on improving student advising and other such endeavors. Dr. N-P sent me an email earlier in the week asking if I was planning to attend the reception or if I would mind attending because she could use my help with something. She was vague. I said, "Oh yes, I can be there. Just let me know what I need to do." She didn't really answer my question in her reply, but I've been so busy I didn't think anything of it. So I show up at this thing today, and she didn't tell me anything, but I figured she'd let me know what she needed from me when she needed it.

She didn't need anything from me. And I'm such a doofus I didn't really see it coming. (It did cross my mind last night, but I thought I was having delusions of grandeur.) The students voted me "professor of the year."

I was a total dork when I received my award and my present, and I was actually a little choked up. I'm not sure what to say other than that, except for that this meant so much to me.

And you all thought I was crazy-cynical and that students didn't really like me and that I didn't like them very much! So there!


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Good lass, well done!

blithering moron said...

Ooh so cool! :)

blithering moron said...

btw, S.T.D. is a funny name for a fraternity. yeah i'm immature :p

michelle said...


JM said...

awesome! :)

Jane said...

Awwww, how wonderful! Congratulations to you!

Leslie M-B said...

Congratulations! I'm sure it's well deserved!

La Lecturess said...

Congratulations! All of us out in the blogosphere knew this to be true already.

AAYOR said...

CRAZY! That is so GREAT! Congratulations!

Someone! Should teach me! To use certain kinds of punctuation! More sparingly!

Anonymous said...

congrats! you're not lucky, you deserve it.

Dr. Virago said...

How cool! Congratulations!

phd me said...

Congrats! I would have voted for you, too.

Tara Kuther said...

That's fantastic! Congratulations! Frankly, I'm not surprised

History Geek said...


susan said...

wonderful! and how cool it was a surprise, too.

Scrivener said...

I'm not surprised in the slightest, either, but I'm glad that you were. Congratulations!!!

New Kid on the Hallway said...

Hooray! Congratulations!

Jenny Davidson said...

Yes, many congratulations!

Nels P. Highberg said...

Go, you!

Kate said...

That's so great Dr. C! You rock!

Terminal Degree said...

CONGRATULATIONS! You deserve it! :)

jo(e) said...


Jill said...

Oh congratulations! That's just WONDERFUL!


Dr. Crazy said...

Shucks, everybody, you are all so nice to me! Thank you for your congratulations. I'm overwhelmed by all of the love from my blog-peeps :)

Also, yes, S.T.D. is an unfortunate acronym for a fraternity. It's truly, truly a shame.

krisluvswool said...

As, that's a wonderful honor!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!

Chaser said...

Many congratulations!!! Well-deserved, I am sure.

Anonymous said...


Bardiac said...

YAY! Congrats!!!

J.K.F. said...

Yay, Dr. Crazy!

Dr. Crazy said...

Thanks everybody :)!

Evie P. said...

Wow, awesome!!! Soooo exciting.

Good for you!

Piss Poor Prof said...

Congratulations. Adulation is always welcome. :)

Pink Cupcake said...

Woo hoo! That's awesome...Many congratulations! :)