Monday, September 25, 2006

Damn Those Germ-Ridden Teenagers

I write to you today from a Nyquil-haze, able to breathe through just one nostril, as it appears that I am, inconveniently, with head-cold. I should have seen it coming, really. Last week, I had a number of sickies in close proximity to me (one of the hazards of this job), and now, well, here I am. Sore throat. Sneezing. Nose that is at turns runny and stuffy. It's times like these when I wish I had a significant other (besides my cat, who's no nurse, lemme tell ya). Either that or a personal assistant, ala Young Hollywood. 'Cause you know what? It sucks having to take care of oneself when one is sick. Not that I require much. Just I'd like it if somebody else would run to the store to buy the pathetic canned soup, or to the drugstore to buy me some Theraflu, which is my favorite, or to the kitchen to get me juice or a cup of tea. As it is, I am on my own. And I'm no nurse, either, when it comes to that.

I suppose I should be thankful that this is the first cold I've had in a long while - with the exception of the horrible illness that I contracted during my travels this summer, which was entirely the fault of germ-ridden airplanes and idiotic ignoring of symptoms that one does when one is in a foreign country. Note to self: this cold will linger for a much shorter period of time if I do not go out until 6AM and drink like a sailor on leave.

And I've got papers still to grade, and my book proposal to finish (though maybe sickness will be good for that - one of my most brilliant feats as an academic was when I managed to ace a literary criticism test and to work earnestly on my honors thesis while having as yet undiagnosed strep throat during my senior year of college), and shit to do for the quasi-admin position, and prep to do for classes tomorrow. But for now? I'm returning to my bed. Maybe I'll read some Potter and drift off to sleep.


Anonymous said...

First, I'm sorry you're sick! Second, this is exactly why I no longer take paper from students. Student papers turned out to be a significant disease vector.

(At a prior engagement, I had a colleague who would bake his students' papers for some minutes before grading them.)

helenesch said...

jbj, are you joking about "baking" the papers?! I've never heard of doing that...

And Dr. C, I hope you're feeling better soon! Being sick when you're alone sucks. I rarely get sick, but when I do, I always wish I had a partner (or even a close friend in town) to come take care of me. Take it easy--I'm sure the grading and book proposal can wait. And if you're still not feeling well, canceling class is always an option (I know, we academics will almost never do this--and yet I'm sure the students would appreciate it!)

PhDing said...

I got my first batch of papers last Friday. Yesterday I was inexplicably tired. This morining my throat hurt. By 4:00 today I was unable to breathe of of either nostril. I understand completely.

Seeking Solace said...

Ah, free basing Nyquil will result in that fuzzy feeling!

Feel better soon!!!!

New Kid on the Hallway said...

Feel better soon!

And my students told me about a prof here who makes them submit their papers without staples, so that he can nuke them in the microwave to kill their germs. Personally, I think that's CRAZY.

(Of course, by the time I actually dig through and GRADE my students' papers, all the germs have died of old age...)

Anonymous said...

No joke about baking--as New Kid's comment suggests. I've found it best not to inquire too closely into people's rituals around grading. :-)