Friday, April 03, 2009

The Sweet Taste of Victory!

CTTCCFPD has not crushed Crazy into a fine and powdery dust! No, indeed! Instead, the hard work, the politicking, the sleepless nights, the rage have all resulted in a vote that is a positive and unequivocal mandate for Crazy to proceed forward in exactly the fashion that she thought should happen all along!

Crazy is a masterful strategist with the unswerving support of a full 2/3 of her colleagues! Our major will no longer be stuck in 1975! The haters have been silenced! All is right with the world!


Inside the Philosophy Factory said...


Good for you -- generations of students have you to thank (or curse... but, it's good for them anyway!!).

Shane in SLC said...

Well played, Crazy!

Anonymous said...

Wow. I am so impressed. Not that I doubted the righteousness of the work, just sometimes I worry about the power of inertia.

Susan said...

TaDaa!!! Crazy Rules OK.
Occasionally truth and justice win.

Horace said...

Well done! You, of course, had them in your hands all along.

Doctor Pion said...

The outside world might not be impressed, but I am. It is very hard to gain that kind of consensus in academia because there are some people who will vote "no" just to be annoying. Those are the ones that need to be given an A/B choice where both A and B result in change.

PS - Please tell me that your curriculum is now up to 1985. ;-)