So, I decided today that I would not worry if I didn't take care of all manner of business, but that I would try to sleep in and then see how I felt. Well, I totally slept in, and now I have the energy! And I have indeed taken care of at least one deadline-related task! Huzzah! I've decided to postpone grading until tomorrow and Friday, and for today to be all about research and just doing odds and ends around the house. I think that's completely reasonable, given the fact that I haven't had a day totally without any work since.... a week and a half ago? But if I accomplish some things today, and if I use my time wisely over Thursday and Friday, I really do believe that I can take at least one day free of all work this weekend, if not two. This would be fantastic.
In other news, I'll be serving on a search committee. Because as much as I like to pretend that I'm not going to say yes to things, we're hiring in a field for which it completely makes sense for me to be involved with the search. And since I'm going to MLA anyway.... well, you see how it is. So it promises to be a wicked-busy MLA for me, but since I took last year off, I'm sure I'll survive. All of that said, don't we all wish we had the life of the glorious feline pictured below?
soooooo fluffy!
Your posts make me tired just reading them! Glad you got some sleep. Your man-kitty is beautiful - like a little lion.
It's a good life, MK. You know, after getting a kitten, MK suddenly looks *huge*, as if he's the biggest house cat ever.
I do love the Man-Kitty. May he forever rule.
Man-Kitty is magnificent! He looks so soft and plush!!
Hooray for the prospect of at least one free day on the weekend. Make sure it happens. Man-kitty will be disappointed, otherwise!
You're hiring? Can you hire Sisyphus? You know you want to...
I WISH we could hire Sis. Tragically, our hire is in the wrong country and wrong century.
And isn't M-K just a little lion of a housecat? I do forget how impressive he is in contrast to a kitten - I always think of him as little (though I suppose he does weigh 13 lbs, which isn't exactly the smallest adult-cat-size in the world, but it's also not the largest, especially for a boy-kitty - I think most of his impressive size is due to the fluff :) )
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