Well, I've come off my high from what had seemed like an excellent and victorious meeting on Friday, only to realize that a certain individual will continue to obstruct things moving forward. I've yet to respond to an email in which this person actually suggests that we just go back to the drawing board and ignore all of the work that primarily I put into what we had AGREED upon on Friday, but, well, if I learned anything last spring from the nonsense with trying to revise our major, I learned that sometimes it is best not to respond immediately to such things. So I have not, and I'm kind of dreading looking at email later today, for fear that anybody actually agrees with this guy.
Speaking of that revising the major thing, I've got to put together all of the catalog copy and new course proposals for that today. Now, by "put together" I really mean put together - everything is written in some form or another, so it's a matter of just making it into a package that can go through the curricular process. Annoying.
I've also got to write an abstract for a conference panel (and I've just accepted the fact that I will likely not get any of my other research things done this weekend, which totally sucks), do some stuff around the house, and then tomorrow, I'm hoping to get my car in for an estimate from the accident as well as to deal with any/all grading crap I need to do.
You'd think from all of that that I got nothing done yesterday. Not so. I reread a book for my theory seminar. That's right. I basically read theory all day, which left me exhausted and in a funk, if I'm honest. More to say about my experience teaching the theory seminar soon. I have a lot to say about that, actually.
13 years ago
I though you'd already skunked those d00ds...don't tell me that they're going to actually fight back and not lay down to you...can't be...don't they read your blog?
I didn't comment on your previous post, but it rocked my socks. Good for you!
As for the email... I've run into this kind of crap also, and have found that it isn't about the fact that they're YOUR suggested changes, but that there was any forward motion at all. Change = work. Wheel-spinning = the odd meeting that counts as service, not real work.
This isn't dOOd behavior so much as it is "one person who is not on board" behavior. There's one in every group; I'd just really hoped there wouldn't be one in this one.
(Am really enjoying the majority of the d00ds now that I've proved myself enough for them to treat me like a human being.)
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