Thursday, December 18, 2008

OOH! Merry Christmas to Crazy! Really, Not Ironically or Anything!

From the Office of the Provost:

"I am recommending that you be promoted to the rank of Associate Professor and that you be granted tenure."

Subject to approval by the Board of Regents, blah blah blah. So all is not totally done, etc., but I do think that at this point it would not be premature to stop crossing my fingers, to stop knocking on wood, to stop trying not to tempt fate, and instead to celebrate! Hooray! Huzzah! Yay!

(I really hadn't anticipated how happy I'd feel about this. I mean, it's not like I was worried I'd be denied, really. Is that weird? Either that I didn't think I'd feel so happy or that I actually do? And relieved, in a strange way? Too. Many. Emotions. Must go give a final and grade like a maniac, for one cannot rest on her laurels.)


gwinne said...

Awesome!!!! Congratulations! (Around here it only makes it up to the College level by December...)

MommyProf said...

That is SO wonderful! Congratulations!

Seeking Solace said...




Anonymous said...

enjoy the moment, the waves!

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!!!!! :D


Psych Post Doc said...


James said...

Congratulations! And no, I don't think it's weird to be excited about this at all. Expectations aren't reality and this is reality.

The History Enthusiast said...


I am so excited for you!

comebacknikki said...


Dr. Brazen Hussy said...


Bardiac said...

YAY, congrats!!!!

Belle said...

Yay! Hooray! Great timing, eh? Enjoy the joy! And much more...

Shane in SLC said...

Congratulations, Crazy! I'm envious that you've been notified already. I won't get my letter from the provost until some time in March...

Dr. Crazy said...

Thanks everybody! I really am tremendously happy about the news. So much so that I took the opportunity to give the heave ho to a service thing I don't want to do! Huzzah!

And Shane, that sucks that you have to wait that long! When do you turn your stuff in? One thing that is great about my institution: T&P process that runs like a well-oiled machine, at least in terms of timing. Very efficient and transparent as far as that goes.

undine said...


grumpyABDadjunct said...

HOORAY! So happy for you, congratulations and felicitations and all of that good stuff.

Kendra Leonard said...

Hooray hooray! That's wonderful.

Tara Kuther said...

WoooHoooo! You deserve it - I love reading about what you do in your classes and with your students. About time it's recognized. Congratulations!

BrightStar (B*) said...

super fabulous! Congratuations!

You know what, this is something that no one can ever take away from you. Yes, you should definitely be excited, and you should definitely celebrate!

Unknown said...

yee ha! congratulations!

Kate said...

CONGRATUFRICKINLATIONS! That's so awesome Dr. C! I am so incredibly pleased.

Rose said...

Congratulations, Associate Professor Crazy!

life_of_a_fool said...

Congratulations! Celebrate and be happy!! (and celebrate again when it makes it through the Board of Regents, and again when it actually takes effect, and so on).

Dame Eleanor Hull said...

So nice to hear some good news--congrats!

Unknown said...

Congratulations and many happy years of academic life!

Unknown said...

Oh, congratulations! And what great timing, too!

Susan said...

Oh, so happy! And what great timing. Of course you are singing and dancing happy. Congratulations on a richly deserved tenure.

Hilaire said...

That is fantastic news!!!! Congratulations!

~profgrrrrl~ said...


~profgrrrrl~ said...


Dr. Curmudgeon said...


Shaun Huston said...

Just want to add to the chorus of congratulations. I am always interested to see how much sooner other systems get these notices out than mine does.

jo(e) said...


AliceAcademic said...


Lesboprof said...

YAY!!!! Very excellent! You ROCK!

Margaret said...

Yay for you! I'm so happy. Your university is lucky indeed!

AAYOR said...

Thrilled for ya', babe, but not surprised. I'll buy you a number of drinks the next time I make it back to your neck of the woods (summer, maybe?)

Addy N. said...

CONGRATULATIONS! It's still a great feeling- even when you weren't worried in the first place! Woo hoo!

medieval woman said...

Many congrats!!! w00t!

Shane in SLC said...

Funny, after my last post at 12:20, I went to campus to find letters recommending me for tenure from my committee and my department chair. So now my binder is sitting on the dean's desk; she makes her recommendation by Jan. 10, then it goes to the university-wide committee, and finally to the provost, who makes his decisions in March.

I have no real complaints about my school's timeline, which is also pretty efficient and transparent. I think the process takes so much longer here because of the whole external reviewer thing. My last letter only arrived in mid-November, I think.

Anyway, I'm not sweating it, and it doesn't make me any less happy for you! Congrats again...

Janice said...

I'm so happy for you -- it's been clear, from your postings on the blog, how you contribute so much to your institution. I'm happy to know that they saw that, too!

susan said...

Hurrah! They're lucky to have you.

Thoroughly Educated said...

Woooooohaaaaah! Go, Crazy!

Brian W. Ogilvie said...


Sisyphus said...

Huzzah! Congrats!

auto ethnographer said...

Congratulations! Have a drink or three and enjoy yourself. The grading can wait.

Jane said...

Yay, yay, yay! Many congrats to you!

Anonymous said...


Fretful Porpentine said...

Woo hoo! Congratulations! Well deserved, I'm sure.

Dr. Crazy said...

Thank you so much for your congratulations, everyone! It's very exciting, indeed, and such great news with which to go into the holidays. And it's SO NICE to not feel like I'm under the microscope! As much as I was confident in my ability to achieve tenure given what I've accomplished over the past five years, I also felt tremendously exposed by the whole process, which was not a comfortable feeling at all. I've got a post brewing about academic milestones.... this one (at least right now) feels quite different from the others....

But again, thank you all SO MUCH for the well wishes! It was nice to have good news to share!

phd me said...

Congrats, congrats, congrats!! Now THAT is a Christmas present!

What Now? said...

Hurrah! I'm so happy for you.

Leslie M-B said...


Catrala said...

from a longtime lurker... congrats!

Professor Zero said...

:-) !!!

Doctor Pion said...

A belated congratulations from the poster sometimes known as CCPhysicist.

Never any doubt in my mind, after your help on the teaching of critical reading in a way that I can apply it in the science and math classroom, but these are insecure times to have any administration commit to paying you for life.


Just keep up the good work, and may you get an even better Best Class Ever next year.

Dr. Virago said...

Belated congratulations, Crazy!!!