So I'm heading to Hometown for the weekend, and I have a bunch of stuff to do (small, stupid stuff) before I can get on the road. I'm sort of excited for the visit, but I also am not excited because I wish I didn't have to leave my house. I love my house. This will be my first overnight trip away from my house. This makes me irritable.
On the other hand, something I love about my house is having my very own washer and dryer, so right now I'm doing laundry and I was able to put that off until the last minute. There are so many things that are good about not living in an apartment, but seriously: having my own personal washer and dryer is tops among them.
But so anyway, I will be off until the beginning of next week, visiting family, whooping it up at my cousin's wedding, etc.
13 years ago
I'm renting a house this next year and I'm irrationally, insanely excited about the washer and dryer too :)
There's nothing irrational or ridiculous about reveling in your own laundry machines. I remember breaking down and crying right around the time I finished my Ph.D. because someone had stolen my good towels right out of the dryer in the public laundromat. I was seriously afraid of living in a crappy apartment for the rest of my life, and having to take a gun to the laundromat to guard my crappy laundry from thieves.
It's a real privilege to have a nice amount of space that you can call your own and keep other people out of. (Plus, a dishwasher is a real game-changer, too.)
Have a wonderful time! And just think: in a few days, you'll get to come home to your new house for the first time!
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