- That I am not in the middle of some stupid internet brouhaha. It's that time of the semester, kids, but all of my focus on real-life brouhahas has kept me out of the fray on teh internets. Ah, it is a pleasure to be basically irrelevant. (And I'm not linking because I am really staying out of it. I'm a casual and disinterested bystander. It is glorious.)
- I'm glad that I have played and continue to play a positive role in curricular development both within my department and across my institution. Yes, it's been painful, but it's also been very rewarding. And now the bulk of my work is done with that stuff (though there are some loose ends to tie up).
- I'll see my parents this week! Yay Parents of Crazy!
- I had a great happy hour phone date with my dad's sister last night. I'm so glad that she and I are back in close touch again.
- The semester is almost over! Only a few more weeks and it will be winter break!
- I heard from a former student who had been considering grad school in English, and he's decided not to go in that direction! Hooray!
- I've completed nearly all of the Thanksgiving shopping, and I'm looking ahead to a day of working on recommendations and taking care of some things around the house.
13 years ago
Although we academics have a tendency to complain, the bottom line is that we get paid to have fun. What could be better than that?
Funny thing: apparently I feel exactly this way every November.
Having just READ your thoughtful response to a current Internet bruhaha, your #1 is quite amusing to me(but in keeping with the thankfulness theme of this posting, I, too, will not link to it here;-)
Annie Em - Even when I'm staying out of something I still have things to say. It's a real problem :P
Ha! It's a beautiful "problem" to have, much better than ranting inside one's head for an hour after reading that ad hominem attack, oh, I mean counterargument. At least you released the anger;-)
Some of us are getting mighty curious about this internet brouhaha. :)
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