I would like to note for the record that I find this sign funny for a variety of reasons, but none of them have to do with me making fun of religious people, the Holy Spirit, or even the stimulus package (though I do kind of want to make fun of it). Also, if I lived in the town of this sign, I would totally be compelled to go to a service there, because I would wonder whether it was a super awesome church that knew the sign was funny. You know, I think I'm compelled by signs like this because I was raised Catholic. Our signs typically say nothing more interesting than "Fish Fry in the St. Whatsit's Cafeteria every Friday in Lent from 5-7 PM" or "Bingo - Tuesdays at 7:00 PM." We Catholics are typically pretty lazy, at least in my experience, about trying to attract new parishioners.
13 years ago
What's up with Saturday at 5:32????
I liked this sign at a local chuch:
1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given
Also liked an ad in a newspaper - large picture of Jesus and it said "He would be so happy to see you in church this Easter" - then underneath it said something like "Of course, after you're dead you're happy to see just about anyone".
The "5:32" is one of the things that made me giggle. Clearly they've got just one set of numbers, and so they'd already used the zero to advertise the 10 AM service on Sunday:) I'd love it if they really started at 5:32 precisely, though :)
Why would anyone have just one set of numbers? None of this makes any sense at all!
oh, I can imagine having only one set of numbers. the sign is a major investment.
there's a whole website called crummy church signs, which I totally love. my favorite sign from that site is one that said "Want to know what hell is? Come listen to our pastor." I still giggle. Also, I once saw a church that was actually called "Gay United Methodist Church." I so wanted to take a picture.
5:32 is pretty hilarious. I hope of them has enough of a sense of humor to start at precisely that moment.
That is funny! There is a church nearby that has a cross on the outside that is backlit with a red light. At night, driving by, it looks like a flaming cross.
That looks very baptist. There are a lot of snappy signs around my hometown. In fact, I think I saw some stimulus themed ones Wednesday. Evangelicals are all about the showmanship. The bigger the performance the more you love Jesus, and I swear I'm not saying that to make fun of anyone. But then again, I come from a part of the country that still has practicing snake handling churches...
I *love* funny church signs like this ... ! I want to go shake the inventors' hands!
I haven't seen a stimulus one yet, although the most profane Krewe de Vieux at Mardi Gras was thus themed.
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