Saturday, January 09, 2010

Sidebar Updating

Oh, and it also occurs to me that I've not updated my list of links in a while. If you'd like to be in the sidebar, and you're not currently there, or if I've not registered that you moved or something, drop me a note in the comments with your url.


Dr. Koshary said...

*shyly raises hand*

But only if there's room! I don't want to be a bother. ;)

Earnest English said...

Perhaps mine at

Constance said...

We would love to be in your sidebar:


Seeking Solace said...

My blog named changed, but it's the same URL. It now called "Into the Sea of Waking Dreams."

PhysioProf said...

Link me the fuck up!

FrauTech said...

Hi, I'll take a link if you're offering :)

Crescentius Matherus said...

I has no blog :(

Roxie Smith Lindemann said...

I am dead but still blogging, Dr. C., and I would be honored to be in your sidebar.

Anonymous said...

My new URL is:

English Adjunct said...

oh, oh, can I be on your sidebar? I would be forever grateful!

PhysioProf said...


Nik said...

On the off-chance that someone finds the title of my blog "otterbutt" unprofessional, I've decided to change the name to just "nikwalk." How dull, I know.

comebacknikki said...

My old blog (starfish & coffee) is now gone, but I think you took that off the last time you updated! My new blog is 10eleven:

fatedplace said...

The folks at America's Gods are serial lurkers of your blog. We'd love a spot on your blogroll!

Keep up the great work!

America's Gods

Anonymous said...

I'd appreciate joining the good company already there, if it pleases you.

My site's at