Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Talking Shit out of my Ass

Ok, so that's a bit of a gross image, now that I see it written out, but this is the... evocative turn of phrase that Medusa and I have used historically when we're writing something that is just.... well, crap.

Ok, so to be fair, what I'm writing isn't *total* crap. I've got about 4 1/2 REALLY rough pages. Now, remember, I've got but 15 minutes, and so really I can only legitimately bring this thing in at just over 6 pages. Now, how much can a girl do in 6 pages? Not much. So it's not like the paper won't be done. The issue, however, is that this is totally new research, and as it now stands, what I'm writing is bag-o-licious. Not at ALL tight. The problem is that while I know where I'm going (ish) I'm not actually getting there. Well, I'm kind of getting there. But it is ROUGH. Why can't these things just write themselves? That's what I'd like to know.


tresrose is... said...

The phrase I've heard and used is "word vomit." Unfortunately I think it's a necessary step in the writing process. Personally it feels better to give it a crappy name and acknowledge it for what it is.

Maude said...

girl, if these things wrote themselves, i'd totally been done with my dissertation like four years ago!

shit or not, if i actually decide to go to MLA, i'm still looking forward to going to your panel. (i'm assuming at bloggy meet-up you'll let us know when it is).

Compson said...

All writing has to go through the crap was ever thus.

Belle said...

Through crap comes genius. Eventually. One hopes.

Duke said...

A friend wrote:
Aloha Duke, it's Billy Perry.

Thanks for honoring me along-side Stevie Wonder. To date, I have not heard a single bad word about the man. The reason for this I believe is that he is simply real. In my assessment, Stevie Wonder is one of the scant remnant of people having not allowed any person, religion, philosophy, or human
institution to strip him of his unique God-given power to think for himself and courageously decide from the heart without fear of consequences. "

Well, I took that as a challenge. I entered "talking Shit about Stevie Wonder" into a Google search and you came up on the first page, specifically the question "Does anyone dislike Stevie Wonder?"
But I could find neither the question or the answer when I got to your web site. Can you help me? Does anyone dislike Stevie Wonder?"

Dr. Crazy said...

Well, apparently some people don't. The post is from February of 2009, and it is entitled "does anybody not like stevie wonder?" - it's from the day of the Grammy awards. I hope this helps!