First of all, thanks for any good vibes you've been able to send re: my last post. The situation remains very not good, as far as I've heard, which hasn't been much. I'm trying to keep the idea that no news is good news in mind, and to think as many positive and healing thoughts as I can.
But so on to the day ahead of me. Will I accomplish a great many things, or will I not accomplish a great many things? Hmmm. I think I may go a middle route, attempting some balance of productivity (making a big pot of chili, dealing with the grading and prep for the week for one of four classes, working out, sorting laundry, and making the kitchen spic and span after the cooking) and slack (continuing to read the "fun" books that I started reading this weekend and which I've been plowing through with reckless abandon).
I've hit what I think is my first plateau with Operation Fitness. I was going along like gangbusters, but I've hit the moment where I typically rest on my laurels and then ruin what progress I've made. This is why working out this weekend is imperative. I need to get back in the mindset that I'm working toward something more, so that I don't lose what progress I've made.
Hmmm. I think that's all to report on this end.
Oh, but a question:
This portion of this post has poofed because apparently sometimes all I need to do is to ask a question in order to come up with the answer myself. If you missed the previous version of this post, I'd asked for people to give me suggestions for films to use as points of reference in a class I'll be teaching in the future, but since doing so, I finally forced myself to figure out what I wanted to use. Funny how that works, huh? There is a large part of me that is so pleased with myself that I want to reveal what I've chosen, but that would sort of defeat the purpose of the poofing.
13 years ago
I'm not sure this would work --- but the movie Transamerica is an interesting look at transgender issues -- and episodes of Mad Men make some very intersting comment/non-comment on gender relations in the early 1960s... Mad Men is available on itunes for $1.99/episode.
I like both Margaret Cho's first film and Spike Lee's Bamboozled for teaching race and ethnic studies theory. They work even better if you've covered gender performativity earlier...
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