It's all my own fault. It's not like I've not had the time. But between being too keyed up because of the election and my own innate laziness, well.
I actually am ready to hand back papers in one class today, and I'll also hand back some ridiculously overdue assignments in the class after that (thank god they're watching a movie so I can finish up!), but still, that leaves a stack each for my other two classes. I want to die.
In other news, I'm also starting on a new novel in one class today, for which I've not really prepped. Good times.
I don't know about you all, but I am just DONE with this semester. The problem is, the semester won't actually be done until December.
In exciting news, pre-registration began this week, and even though I've done like no advertising for my upper-level class in my field, and even though only honors students and athletes have been able to register so far, I've already got three enrolled. I am popular! My classes no longer (knock wood) face the danger of not making enrollment! Obviously I'm in no way to the enrollment minimum in there yet, but with this early response, I'm feeling quite at ease about the whole thing. And, because I'm a jerk who doesn't want to do her work right now, I'm more excited on getting going with that class than in finishing the Awesome one currently in progress. Sigh.
13 years ago
I hear you! This semester just needs to end next week, not five weeks from now...
switching from the current, post-honeymoon class to dreaming of the theoretical delights of the future class? I so do that all the time!
Oh I am terribly behind on grading. But I really grade well when I do it... all kinds of helpful comments & teaching edits.
I just don't feel like doing it right now. I know all of the good practices-- grade a few papers a day. But I tend to wait and make it so I have to do an entire stack in three hours or else get students rating me lowwww on rating thingys. :) So.
I hate grading. Can't we all just learn for the sake of knowledge? (Knows the answer to that one already).
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