Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Sorry about the Failure to Post

All energy has been diverted to a) grading (sigh) and b) making plans for my second book, which is a necessary prerequisite to working on my application for sabbatical. Stay tuned for a real post about b) coming soon.


Dr. Virago said...

I think I'm going to post something on the same topic as b) soonish, so I'm looking forward to your post, especially since you seem already more confident than I about the prospect of a second book.

Dr. Crazy said...

Ah, see, this is the stage where I have utmost confidence, though. As I said to a friend recently, I can come up with any number of ideas for things like books. I'm great with ideas. The problem for me isn't the idea but rather the follow-through.

Once I've committed to it and the work is underway, expect me to question the meaning of life and to wonder why the heck I got myself into this, to beat my chest and wring my hands, and to throw all manner of tantrums.

Sisyphus said...

Yay! new book new book!

Horace said...

Wait! I haven't read your last book yet!

Seriously, happy to read over any new book stuff if you want some eyes.

Dr. Crazy said...

Aw, you're so nice, Horace. Here's the thing: the "next" book surely won't see the light of day for at least three years :) But if you're offering to look at chapters of the next book, I will so surely take you up on that... You can expect them in like 2 years :)