- I am doing a massive book weed-out. Seriously. I am never going to read Dryden's plays again, or if I am, I'll just buy the book again, or check it out of my library. Further, there are some books that are crappy pleasure reads that I surely do not need in my life. I'm turning over a new leaf. Time to get rid of things!
- It's time to accept that I am not the sort of person who files, but rather that I am the sort of person who piles. With this being the case, I am getting rid of my two file cabinets (who even knows what is in them? It's not like I use them....) and moving to a system of bins for research-related materials. We'll see how that goes.
- Projects like these always actually make the room messier first. Doesn't that suck?
13 years ago
I also have a study exactly like that, while I work at what is supposedly my dining table.
I lined the study with bookshelves and I put piles right on the shelves, skipping the whole bins part.
Me too. I have a spare bedroom/study, and recently admitted that I too don't work in there. Rather I work at a table in the dining-room-I-don't-use-for- dining. I don't file either - but I don't pile either. I think it's closer to 'it goes in that box over there.' Bins are simply too small. I am currently begging TPB for another bookcase or two for my office and a decent desk. If the bookcases & desk appear, the existing file cabinet is a goner fer shur. Actually, all I need is a full time filing clerk and my office and working spaces would be nice and orderly. Lacking that, I need more boxes.
Wish I lived nearby - I'm sure I could take some of those books off your hands!
I'm always torn about the trashy reads -- I have some that I re-read, the reading version of comfort food. They engage my eyes and require no brain.
Susan, I'm the same re: the comfort reads. I have a tattered collection of 1920s-1930s mysteries (think Agatha Christie, Dorothy Sayers etc.) that I've read umpteen times and I KNOW whodunnit, but I still will never part with them.
Oh, I have books like that (though from the sounds of it much trashier than yours - such as the Judith Krantz oeuvre) which never get weeded. That said, I'm fairly confident that I will never reread the fake sequel to Valley of the Dolls. :)
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