- It will only take me a half hour to do it, which is convenient as this is about as much time as I've got. But then tonight I'm also getting a set of papers and worksheets in. Oh, and did I mention I've got a final to write?
- Today, I went to the pool. I did nothing that I needed to accomplish.
- I have realized also, that I have not accomplished many of my grand plans for the past 7 weeks. My office has not been cleaned; I have not wrapped up all of the stuff for my fall online course (which I have justified to myself in a number of ways, but I'm totally an idiot for not having finished with it - or really even worked on it at all); My house is not really clean (though having A. come for the Fourth will help with that, as I can always be counted upon to do major cleaning before guests); etc.
- But today is the last day of regular teaching!
- Of course, then there is massive amounts of grading and finals to administer.
- Do you ever feel like you just don't want to bother with actual grading because you know what people will get? I feel that way all the time. But I never let myself indulge in that practice. Even though I've never yet been wrong.
- I have some kitty pictures, but I've been trying to save them up a bit because I was feeling like my blog was becoming kitten-saturated. That said, I do have news to report about them, which you can expect in an upcoming post.
- I still don't want to grade.
13 years ago
Dr. Crazy, the world needs as many kitten pictures as it can get. Don't ever stop.
yay kittens! boo grading.
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