I should, my readers, be hard at work, on this second day of my week of work. It is 9 AM. I have a book manuscript to finish. Book manuscripts are very important indeed.
But see, this week, I've somehow fallen into an epistolary and telephonic... something... that I don't quite know how to handle. And no, it's not some weird phone sex or internet sex thing, as that's what my friends asked me when I told them about the first conversation, so don't get that idea. No, it's like being 15 and staying on the phone until you're so sleepy that you're actually wired, and like there isn't enough time to say all of the things that one might possibly say, and... oh hell, I can't write more about it than that because it makes me feel very stupid and also slightly embarassed as the person with whom I've become involved in the something is going to read this and then he's going to laugh at me (in a very darling way, but still). And I thought about not writing this post, as the fact that I know this person will read this post makes me feel a little self-conscious, but dammit, I'm not letting some strange man dictate the contents of my blog. That would just be letting the terrorists win, right?
Ok, this post might not make sense, but remember: I was on the phone until 4:30 in the morning. I don't even know how to explain why I'm awake, as really I need about 4 more hours of sleep.
You know, I think this might be the fault of the red journal, that something actually is going on in my life besides work. (Of course, it's an imaginary something at this point, but whatever - it's still something and something I can't quite pin down which makes me very uncomfortable indeed.)
Ok, I'm sick of this cryptic post. I have to go lie in my bed and moon and brood for a bit, as apparently I've regressed 15 or so years over the past 3 days.
13 years ago
Maybe you need more down time during the day? You've had a very eventful (and stressful) semester--a lot of good stuff, but also a lot of work. So maybe it's understandable that you just need to act like a kid for a bit?....
I seem to be staying up later and later each night (luckily, I don't teach any morning classes). I think this is partly b/c I'm usually working until 11 or 12, and then despite my plan to be in bed by 12:30, I find misc. things to do... it feels like of like stolen time, since it's not "work time." I don't know if this is what you're doing (or why you're talking on the phone at such crazy hours), but it's one idea...
I don't know what's causing it, but I do find it amusing to read about. I think it's good to go through moods/phases/whatever like this every now and then. . .
I'm very intrigued by you and this phone thing. I'm really not much of a phone talker (use very litle of my monthly minutes -- my cell bill shows mostly 5-10 minute calls, mostly to family and about 2 friends, mostly made while in transit from one place to another) BUT I know that I can talk to you on the phone for quite a while. You have a special phone magnetism.
Speaking of which ... we should catch up by phone again soon :)
But not in the middle of the night. I actually go to bed by 11 or so most nights now. And am up by 7. Weird, yes.
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