Remember how I was going to wake up around 7 or 8 this morning? Well, it looks like a certain somekitty had other plans for me. Of course, now that I am awake, as he thinks I should be, all is right in the world. Oh yes, now it's time to relax and get that sleepy face that means it's time for a nap.

Well. I hope he's happy. And it's
certainly a good thing that I went to bed at a reasonable time last night. So I'll commence my waking-up now (a curse on you, Man-Kitty!) and then, I shall begin the day. Will check in with periodic updates.
Update, 12:50 PM:
Things accomplished:
- All necessary emails. (Still some not terribly necessary ones to do, but they can wait until tomorrow if necessary.)
- One major pass through the Introductory Chapter of Crap. Incidentally, progress is being made.
- A list/schedule of things to accomplish today, which tired me out so much I had to go back to sleep for three hours.
- Lunch.
The plan now is to drag my ass to the gym, and then I shall return to my Lair of Productivity to continue on with the list of things to accomplish. The only thing that sucks about going to the gym is it means I'll have to change out of my Writing Outfit. Well, that and actually having to work out once there, except I know it will make me feel better once I've finished. Another update will come later. I know you all don't really care, but it does make me feel better to report when I'm on such a marathon working jag.
He's jealous -- you've been mooning around about another person....
Yeah I think he might be. That said, he's just got to understand that every now and again his Mama needs to direct her affections toward a non-feline. :)
What, you mean you didn't wear your tiara and bathrobe to the gym?!
Heh. Youngest Cat does that ALL THE TIME. He persistently wreaks havoc until I get up and feed him, then he riots around so I can't get back to sleep, and then when I give in and get up, he curls up on the sofa and goes to sleep. For about 8 hours. LDH and I keep wanting to do things like drop some books from a height onto the floor right next to him... but we're good, we refrain.
Yes I have heard about diffent horoscope but Indian horoscope is much more powerful Comparison other horoscope so try it.
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