There may be a time and a place for everything. The difficulty is figuring out when and where.
Very elegant! I joined the ranks of the bespectacled fairly recently, and have since become a little obsessed with glasses...
Oh, those are very cool glasses. I like!
I likey! Very pretty
oooh, i like them! but you know i have a glasses fetish, owning about 10 pair of them, about five which are in relatively consistent rotation.
Crazy, now that we've met (all too briefly!), I can say that you'll look fabulous in those glasses. Their squareness and seriousness will contrast nicely with your feminine charms!
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Very elegant! I joined the ranks of the bespectacled fairly recently, and have since become a little obsessed with glasses...
Oh, those are very cool glasses. I like!
I likey! Very pretty
oooh, i like them! but you know i have a glasses fetish, owning about 10 pair of them, about five which are in relatively consistent rotation.
Crazy, now that we've met (all too briefly!), I can say that you'll look fabulous in those glasses. Their squareness and seriousness will contrast nicely with your feminine charms!
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