In other news, after taking care of much important (and yet stressful and irritating) business over the last couple of days - including not only the binder, grading 22 summaries and 22 descriptive essays and 10 response papers, email correspondence I'd been putting off related to the job search and to some publication-related things, a meeting related to the admin thing I'm doing this semester, and meeting with advisees - I have also discovered this website. I'm addicted.
And in honor of this new addiction, and in honor of my 2-year anniversary with the Man-Kitty, I am going to post one of his baby pictures. I would never put him up to the scrutiny of the Kitten War. He is obviously above such objectification.

Oh dear. That site is addicting - and I'm a dog person. But I agree the Man Kitty is the clear winner.
So lovely!! Oh my gosh. Do you also visit - some lovely kittenry on there, as well.
Lovely MK!
Kitten Wars - jeez. I kept on voting for the less cute kittens cos I felt sorry for them.
Oh, site better than cuteoverload -
He's so sweet ---- but I also guess that you don't miss the moment of panic when you can't see or hear the kitten.... just imagining what they can get into and where they can go makes me happy to have grown cats.
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