I've got a few real posts brewing, but until then I thought I'd entertain you all with some pictures of my very spoiled cat. Here's a picture from last night that I took while the Man-Kitty was playing on his kitty gym. His favorite game is to spin around and around that pole in the picture (which is approximately 5 feet off the ground, so this is a pretty dangerous game) and to pounce on his various toys. Yes, his mama is responsible for retrieving the toys when he knocks them down.

This one is from Christmas time at my mom's. Tragically, I was unable to snap him doing the most hilarious thing he did during the holiday season, which was to stealthily take the miniature candy canes off of the miniature Christmas tree with his little kitten mouth and wander around the house with them. My mom's still finding them in the oddest places.
Ah, the gym kitty! Love your cat!
He is indeed glorious! I can't get enough of Man-Kitty.
He's just lovely, I missed mankitty pictures.
I'm glad I could provide some Man-Kitty love for you all. I'll try to take some more pics of him this weekend, but as you can see from the above photo, he's not been very pose-y lately.
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